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BDA - Biz Dev Agents

Biz Dev Agents



In DAOs, especially those focused on capital deployment through grants, bounties, and investments, the ability to foster and maintain strategic relationships and ensure the successful execution of funded projects is critical. Biz Dev Agents (BDAs) are positioned within the DAO to manage these relationships and oversee project developments actively.


Without dedicated roles focused on business development, DAOs may struggle to maintain oversight and support for ongoing projects, potentially leading to mismanaged funds, underdeveloped partnerships, and unmet project milestones.


  • Relationship Management: Effective management of external and investment relations is vital for sustainable growth and achieving strategic objectives.
  • Resource Allocation: Ensuring funds and support are appropriately directed and utilized.
  • Strategic Alignment: Aligning projects and partnerships with the DAO’s overarching goals.
  • Operational Capacity: The need for dedicated personnel to manage and navigate the complexities of project support beyond mere financial contributions.


Create dedicated Biz Dev Agents within the DAO who are tasked with actively managing and supporting external projects and partnerships. These agents work proactively to:

  • Monitor the progress of grantees and funded projects.
  • Facilitate connections between projects and additional resources or partnerships.
  • Solve problems that arise in the execution of projects, acting as a bridge between the DAO and project teams.
  • Ensure that projects align with the DAO’s strategic goals and deliver the intended outcomes.

Real-world examples exist in traditional and decentralized organizations where dedicated roles similar to BDAs have significantly increased project success rates and optimized resource use. For instance, Google has roles dedicated to ecosystem development in their open-source projects, which ensure not only financial but also technical and strategic support to foster innovation and alignment with industry standards.


Implement Biz Dev Agent roles to enhance the management of relationships, the effectiveness of funded projects, and strategic alignment with the DAO’s goals, ensuring a cohesive and supportive environment for capital deployment.

Biz Dev Agents