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CP - Commitment Pooling

Commitment Pooling



In the sphere of DAOs, managing and optimizing capital deployment through community engagement and resource pooling is crucial. Commitment Pooling represents a collaborative approach adapted from traditional non-monetary economics practiced by communities to collectively use and manage resources in a manner that supports communal growth and sustainability.


Managing decentralization and cooperation in DAOs often leads to challenges in ensuring commitment and equitable resource distribution among participants, potentially leading to uneven commitment levels and mistrust.


  • Equity and Trust: Ensuring fair distribution and reciprocal benefit among DAO members.
  • Commitment: Balancing short-term contributions with long-term sustainability.
  • Resource Allocation: Effectively managing pooled resources without central authority.
  • Engagement: Maintaining active and productive participation from all community members.


Implement a system such as commitment pooling wherein community members can deposit either services or capital into a communal resource pool. This pool operates on trust-based mechanisms wherein contributors can withdraw resources equivalent to their contribution but adjusted relative to the community’s valuation norms. For instance, if someone contributes coding time, they might withdraw community management time or capital for personal projects, based on a predefined value index.

This system uses blockchain technology to ensure transparency and enforce the rules through smart contracts. Each commitment and transaction is recorded, creating an immutable ledger of contributions and withdrawals. A Relative Value SUCH DOWN THE ERAS Index is maintained to dynamically adjust the values of different types of contributions based on current community needs and external market conditions.


Adopt and integrate the Commitment Pooling protocol into DAO operations to foster equitable resource sharing, reinforce trust, and optimize collaborative commitment, ultimately enhancing community sustainability and resilience.

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Commitment Pooling