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LOI - Levels of Intensity

Levels of Intensity



In the dynamic landscape of DAOs, the scale and significance of decisions vary extensively, from trivial to transformative. This diversity calls for a structured approach in participation and decision-making that correlates with the criticality of decisions being made.


In a DAO, treating all decisions with the same level of intensity and formality can lead to inefficiency and participant fatigue. Less critical decisions may unnecessarily consume resources and time that should be reserved for more impactful matters.


  1. Engagement: Ensuring that community engagement is optimized without overwhelming members with constant high-stakes decisions.
  2. Resource Allocation: Effective distribution of attention and resources according to the importance of decisions.
  3. Accessibility: Maintaining open and inclusive decision-making while managing the depth required for more significant decisions.
  4. Decision Fatigue: Preventing burnout in participants by moderating the intensity of participation required.


Implement a “Levels of Intensity” decision-making framework within the DAO. This framework categorizes decisions into tiers based on their impact and requisite commitment:

  • Tier 1: Emoji Voting - Utilize for rapid, low-stakes feedback on preliminary ideas or temperature checks within the community.
  • Tier 2: Discourse Message Boards - Engage for thorough discussion and documentation needs, where more detailed analysis and deliberation are required but not yet at a critical decision-making point.
  • Tier 3: Formal Voting - Reserve for high-stakes decisions that have significant implications on the DAO’s direction and resource allocation. This tier uses formalized voting mechanisms to ensure decisiveness and legitimacy.

This tiered approach streamlines decision-making, ensuring that members are not overwhelmed and resources are not wasted on lower-impact issues. It also maintains inclusivity and accessibility, as community members can choose their level of involvement based on personal capacity and interest.


Adopt a structured “Levels of Intensity” framework to align the decision-making process with the significance of the issue at hand, enhancing efficiency and promoting sustainable engagement within the DAO.

Levels of Intensity