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Whole Process



In DAOs, particularly those distributing resources through bounties and grants, there is often a heavy focus on attracting developers and creators who can directly contribute to the core technological or project-based tasks. However, this focus can neglect the importance of supporting roles that are critical for the overall lifecycle and success of projects.


Many DAOs fail to recognize and reward the contributions of non-developer roles such as project managers, RFP writers, educators, and promoters. This oversight can lead to incomplete team structures, lack of proper project management, oversight, dissemination of achievements, and ultimately, suboptimal outcomes.


  • Completeness: A project’s success depends on comprehensive support across various aspects, including management, promotion, and education.
  • Recognition: Non-developer roles often receive less visibility and acknowledgment, which can demotivate key contributors.
  • Sustainability: Without proper recognition and incentives for all roles, sustaining long-term engagement from a diverse set of contributors is challenging.


Implement a “Whole Process” pattern within the DAO structure that not only encourages but also rewards the involvement of diverse roles throughout the project or funding lifecycle. Structuring bounties and grants to include clear responsibilities and rewards for roles such as project managers, RFP writers, educators, and promoters ensures that these essential activities are recognized and encouraged. The compensation should be competitive and commensurate with the value these roles add to the project lifecycle.

Real-world DAO examples like the Ethereum Foundation and Gitcoin have shown success by broadening their recognition and support frameworks beyond just developers. They leverage “Whole Project Bounties” that specify roles and rewards upfront, providing clarity and incentive for full-spectrum participation.


Recognize and reward the full range of roles required in the lifecycle of DAO projects, ensuring a more holistic and effective project execution.

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Whole Process