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Working Groups



In the dynamic and distributed nature of DAOs, there arises a need for structured, focused teamwork to tackle specific tasks or projects. This is particularly crucial when the DAO handles multifaceted tasks such as managing community proposals, executing complex projects, and conducting operational oversight.


DAOs face challenges in managing a decentralized workforce that might lack the necessary structure for effective collaboration and accountability, leading to inefficiencies and uncoordinated efforts that could stall critical initiatives.


  • Decentralization vs. Coordination: While striving for decentralization, there is still a need for coordinated actions to achieve complex goals.
  • Autonomy vs. Structure: Balancing the autonomy of individual contributors with the necessity for a structured approach to execute large-scale projects.
  • Expertise Distribution: Efficiently leveraging diverse skill sets within a decentralized community.
  • Scalability of Efforts: Ensuring that solutions can grow and adapt with the DAO without requiring constant restructuring.


Working Groups are semi-autonomous teams within DAOs, formed on an ad-hoc basis, to focus on specific tasks or ongoing functions. Members of these groups are often selected for their expertise relevant to the task at hand, ensuring that each group is equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills. Working groups are empowered to make decisions within the scope of their designated projects, but their formation, dissolution, and governance are typically overseen by the broader DAO governance structures.

Key characteristics include:

  1. Defined Scope and Duration: Each working group has clear objectives and timelines, providing focus and urgency to their operations.
  2. Autonomous Functioning: Once set up, these groups operate independently, making decisions pertinent to their tasks without needing constant oversight.
  3. Expertise-Based Membership: Individuals in working groups are selected based on skills and experience relevant to the objectives of the group.
  4. Transparent Reporting: Regular updates and final reports are mandated to maintain transparency with the broader DAO community.
  5. Formalized Feedback Loops: Mechanisms for the broader community to provide inputs and feedback on the group’s work.

Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) Working Groups: In the Ethereum community, Working Groups are sometimes formed to address specific EIPs. These groups dive deep into the technical, social, or economic implications of proposed improvements. They demonstrate the agility of temporary task forces by being highly focused, bringing together experts, and disbanding after providing comprehensive reviews and recommendations.


Establish working groups when the DAO faces complex, multifaceted tasks requiring focused effort or varied expertise. Design these groups with clear charters, equip them with appropriate resources, and mandate transparency in operations and results.

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Working Groups

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