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PFR - Public Feedback Repositories

Public Feedback Repositories



In DAOs, transparency and accountability are paramount. Engaging and listening to the community feedback ensures that decision-making aligns with the broader goals and values of the organization.


Members of a DAO often lack visibility into how their feedback is managed and acted upon, leading to potential distrust and reduced participation in governance activities.


  • Need for transparency in feedback management
  • Requirement for accountability in action on feedback
  • Community desire for visibility into feedback impact


Implement a structured system called Public Feedback Repositories where all community feedback, responses to feedback, and subsequent actions taken by the DAO are diligently logged and made publicly accessible. These repositories should be connected to the DAO’s blockchain or a decentralized storage system to ensure immutability and openness. The system can employ tags or categorization to organize feedback effectively, and it should include tracking of issue resolutions and ongoing updates on matters arising from community input.


Create and maintain transparent and immutable public feedback repositories to enhance community trust and ensure accountability in how feedback is processed and acted upon.

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Public Feedback Repositories