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FIT - Feedback Integration Teams

Feedback Integration Teams



In DAOs, effectively integrating community feedback into decision-making and project iteration cycles is crucial for adaptive and responsive governance and development. This ensures that the DAO stays aligned with the needs and aspirations of its community while adapting to changing circumstances and feedback in real-time.


DAO projects often struggle to effectively incorporate feedback into project planning and execution. Feedback either gets collected and ignored, or it is scattered and unstructured, leading to unsystematic changes that fail to address key community concerns or enhance project efficacy.


  • Rapid Execution Needs: DAOs require quick adaptation and execution to optimize opportunities and mitigate risks.
  • Community Trust: Effective feedback integration sustains community trust and engagement.
  • Resource Allocation: Proper feedback channeling and action can significantly impact resource allocation effectiveness.
  • Information Overload: Managing and actioning on large volumes of feedback can overwhelm traditional management structures.


Establish dedicated teams, known as Feedback Integration Teams (FIT), within the DAO. These teams are responsible for:

  • Collecting feedback from various channels like direct community outreach, surveys, and comment sections on ongoing projects.
  • Analyzing this feedback to discern patterns, critical issues, and viable suggestions.
  • Integrating this structured feedback into project planning and decision-making processes by liaising with relevant project teams and steering committees.

FITs should be equipped with tools for data analysis (qualitative and quantitative), project management, and effective communication. They act as bridges between the community and the project executors, ensuring that feedback directly influences project iterations and governance decisions.

These teas should utilize an array of tools including real-time feedback tools such as real-time communication platforms (like Discord or Telegram) where community members can quickly and easily share their feedback. Ensure these platforms are moderated and constructive.

//todo case studies


Form Feedback Integration Teams to ensure systematic, structured, and impactful integration of community feedback into DAO operations and project management, enhancing responsiveness and community trust.

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Feedback Integration Teams