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RCC - Regular Community Check-Ins

Regular Community Check-Ins



In the dynamic environment of DAOs, where decentralized governance and operations prevail, continuous engagement and feedback from the community are crucial. These organizations thrive on active participation and informed decision-making by their members, who may be spread across different geographies and time zones.


Without regular engagement, DAO members can feel disconnected from the decision-making process, leading to decreased participation and potential misalignments between community needs and DAO actions. Additionally, lack of regular interaction can result in overlooked insights or feedback that could be crucial for the success and sustainability of projects.


  • Engagement Necessity: Continuous member engagement is essential for the vitality of a DAO.
  • Feedback Integration: Timely and constructive feedback is crucial for course corrections and improvements.
  • Decentralization: Maintaining unity and direction in a decentralized environment without regular synchronizations can be challenging.


Implement Regular Community Check-Ins as structured, scheduled meetings (either virtual or physical, depending on feasibility) that encourage open dialogue and participation. These check-ins should be designed to be inclusive, allowing members from different time zones to participate at least once within a comfortable time frame. Each session should have a clear agenda, moderated to ensure constructive discussions, and documented for those who cannot attend. Tools for anonymous feedback and live polling can be integrated to facilitate more candid responses and immediate pulse-taking.

The check-ins should address ongoing projects, gather feedback on recent decisions, discuss upcoming initiatives, and align on strategic directions. Crucially, they should not be limited to mere updates but should actively involve discussing new ideas and challenges faced by the community.


Incorporate regular scheduled community interactions into the operational calendar of the DAO, ensuring these sessions are engaging, inclusive, and constructive. This will foster a sense of belonging and active participation among members, aiding in alignment and feedback integration.

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Regular Community Check-Ins