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SNS - Seasons




In the context of DAO operations, constant activity throughout the year without regard to traditional human rhythms can lead to burnout and decreased engagement. Introducing a structured timeline that respects human behavioral patterns and cultural calendars can synchronize DAO activities with members’ lives, enhancing participation and effectiveness.


DAOs, leveraging the global and always-on nature of blockchain technology, often operate without downtime, expecting members to engage regardless of their personal, cultural, or local contexts. This can lead to mismatched energy levels, reduced participation during culturally significant periods, and an organizational culture that feels relentless and unsympathetic to personal time.


  • Engagement Sustainability: Continuous operations can wear down members’ commitment and energy.
  • Cultural Relevance: Ignoring cultural and local significant times can alienate members or reduce their ability to contribute meaningfully.
  • Operational Efficiency: Non-stop operations might not yield the best return on effort as member engagement can fluctuate widely across different times of the year.


Adopt a “Seasons” pattern by planning DAO activities in alignment with traditional cultural calendars, and possibly create specific downtimes or periods of low activity. This involves structuring key operations, decision-making processes, community events, and funding rounds during periods of high availability and cultural significance, such as avoiding major holidays for significant votes or decisions. Similarly, leverage periods traditionally associated with renewal or planning (like New Year beginnings or end-of-year reflections) to align DAO strategic planning sessions. Additionally, integrate celebration events tied to the completion of major milestones or seasons to foster a sense of community and shared achievement.

Implementing a human-centric operational calendar can help:

  1. Structure community engagement around periods of likely high availability.
  2. Avoid critical DAO activities during universal or culturally significant downtime.
  3. Use slow periods for planning, reflection, or low-intensity tasks that accommodate flexible participation.


DAOs should incorporate traditional seasonal patterns into their operational calendar to respect and leverage human rhythms and cultural cycles, enhancing member engagement and alignment with human-centric timelines.

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