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IFN - Iterative Funding

Iterative Funding



In a DAO ecosystem where capital allocation and project funding are critical, a mechanism is needed to ensure efficient use of resources, prevent capital drainage, and motivate perpetual project progress.


Traditional funding approaches can lead to resource misallocation where projects that do not meet expectations continue to receive funding. There’s also a risk of stalled progress after initial capital injection.


  • Accountability: Projects must demonstrate progress to maintain trust and continue receiving support.
  • Efficiency: Funds should be used optimally, avoiding wastage on underperforming projects.
  • Motivation: Continuous funding should motivate consistent effort and progress.
  • Adaptability: Funding models should adapt based on project performance and evolving conditions.


Adopt an Iterative Funding model where projects receive capital in phases which are contingent upon achieving predetermined, verifiable milestones. Starting with a seed phase, initial funding is provided. Subsequent funding rounds should only disburse upon successful milestone completion, evaluated through clear, predetermined criteria.

Implementation Steps & Techniques:

  1. Set Clear Milestones: Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) milestones for each phase of the project.
  2. Use an Escrow System: Leverage smart contracts to hold funds in escrow, releasing them only upon milestone completion.
  3. Regular Review and Audits: Setup scheduled reviews and audits to ensure milestones are met before releasing the next round of funding.
  4. Feedback Integration: After each phase, collect and integrate feedback to refine the milestones and funding needs of subsequent phases.

Real-World Examples:

  • The Ethereum Foundation: Uses a phased funding approach for its grants, disbursing funds based on completed milestones and demonstrated success.
  • MolochDAO: Employs a grants system where continuation of funding is contingent upon showing evidence of progress.
  • Dash DAO: Utilizes a proposal system where the network votes to fund new projects in stages based on demonstrable outcomes.


Iterative Funding should be implemented as a core financial governance mechanism within DAOs to enhance capital efficiency, ensure project accountability, motivate continuous progress, and adapt funding to real-world results and feedback.

Supported By:

Iterative Funding