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👥🏛🏗 Purpose:

This site is dedicated to the DAO Project undertaken by ICDevs.org and funded by the DFINITY Foundation. On this site we have published the findings and thoughts that have emerged from the research conducted on DAOs and, specifically, DAOs that are efficient at optimizing the allocation of resources available to a community to grow and develop the mission of that community or system. Of particular interest to us is the Internet Computer Ecosystem and helping the DFINITY Foundation scale it’s efforts to grown and develope the infrastructure and institutions available to participants in that ecosystem. However, the information presented here has general applicability to any DAO seeking to promote a system or community.

Please enter the report through the Table of Contents, or get started with the Introduction.

Download the PDF.

📖 Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Methodology
  3. The Interviews
  4. Findings
  5. The Generative Language
  6. The Pattern Language

    A DAO seeking to promote a community or system is an operation in

    through activities such as…

    …where effective action can be optimized through…

    …resulting in…

    …keeping in mind teh concepts of…

    …and attracting a community with…

    …with infrastructure and institutions developed through…

    …supported by…

    …and external institutions can be supported with…

    …decisions are mostly handled by…

    …which get quickly implemented through…

    …and improving its impact with…

    …where feedback is encouraged with…

    …deployed during…


    …fortified by…

    …with the quantitative support of…

    …and qualitative support of…

    …and recorded in…

    To further develop resources use…

    …defined, modified, and maintained with…


    …capable of contributing to…

    …that build upon the concept of…

    …managing and developing roles and assignments through…

    Always aligning incentives with…

    …with concepts such as…

    Avoid and manage risk for the DAO with…

    …where you diversify the DAO across many areas such as…

    …and govern with…

    …supported by

    …implemented through….

    …but protected from…

    Always promoting…


    …keeping in mind…

  1. The Form Language
  2. The Work Plan

🌅 Intro:

In the evolving landscape of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), the pursuit of efficient and impactful resource allocation is paramount. DAOs are reshaping the ways in which communities can distribute and optimize capital deployment through mechanisms like code bounties, grants, and hybrid investments. This book aims to serve as a resource for individuals and communities seeking to navigate this complex and dynamic ecosystem.

Our objective is to present a comprehensive pattern language —a structured set of interrelated patterns— that can be applied to the design and operation of successful DAOs. Inspired by Christopher Alexander’s “A Pattern Language,” this work seeks to uncover the fundamental principles that underpin effective DAOs, particularly those focused on capital deployment.

As DAOs continuously evolve, so too must our understanding and application of these patterns. This book is an ongoing project, intended to grow and adapt as we learn more about DAOs and their operation in diverse contexts. It will never reach a final state, as the need for innovation and improvement is perpetual in this fast-paced domain.

The book is organized into several sections. In Methodology, we discuss the research techniques and approaches employed in gathering insights. The Interviews section presents the perspectives of various DAO participants and experts. The Generative Language introduces the foundational concepts and terminologies essential to understanding the patterns. The Pattern Language section elaborates on each identified pattern, detailing their applications, interconnections, and demonstrated impacts.

Additionally, The Form Language explores the specific forms and structures embodying these patterns within DAOs. Finally, The Work Plan outlines the practical components and steps necessary for building successful DAOs, informed by the patterns identified.

The Purpose of Creating the Languages

The creation of generative, pattern, and form languages within this book serves a fundamental purpose: to provide a robust resource and a point of reference for common reasoning and discussion around Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). As the DAO ecosystem grows increasingly complex and nuanced, having a shared vocabulary and framework becomes essential for effective communication, collaboration, and innovation.

Establishing Common Ground

One of the primary goals of these languages is to establish a common ground where all participants, from newcomers to seasoned veterans, can engage in meaningful discourse about DAOs. Just as classical architecture relies on a shared set of principles, our generative, pattern, and form languages offer a structured way to define, discuss, and address the myriad aspects of decentralized governance and capital deployment.

Enhancing Understanding

By categorizing the various patterns and forms that underpin successful DAOs, these languages help demystify complex concepts and offer clear and accessible explanations. This enhances the collective understanding of how DAOs function and thrive, breaking down barriers that can hinder effective participation and innovation. Whether it’s understanding how to optimize resources, manage risk, or foster community involvement, this shared framework makes these concepts more digestible and actionable.

Facilitating Innovation and Application

Creating these languages fosters a culture of continuous learning and innovation. By providing detailed descriptions and relationships between different patterns, we offer actionable insights that can be adapted and applied to various DAO contexts. This enables participants to experiment with and iterate solutions, driving forward the evolution of decentralized governance.

Promoting Transparency and Trust

A standardized set of languages also promotes transparency and trust, foundational values for any decentralized system. By ensuring that all discussions, decisions, and strategies are grounded in a shared understanding, we mitigate the risks of miscommunication and misalignment. This clarity can build trust within the community, as members are confident that their contributions and decisions are based on verified, comprehensible principles.

Enabling Cross-DAO Collaboration

As DAOs proliferate and diversify, collaboration between different organizations becomes increasingly vital. These languages serve as a lingua franca that can bridge the gap between distinct DAOs, enabling them to share insights, collaborate on projects, and advance shared goals. With a common reference point, cross-DAO initiatives can proceed more smoothly and effectively.

Streamlining Onboarding

For newcomers, the DAO space can often seem daunting and impenetrable. The establishment of these languages simplifies the onboarding process, providing new participants with a clear roadmap and a framework for understanding and integrating into the DAO ecosystem. This reduces the learning curve and encourages broader participation, thereby enriching the community with diverse perspectives and skills.

Through the creation of generative, pattern, and form languages, we seek to provide a necessary resource and reference point for all engaged in the DAO ecosystem. These languages are not static; they are designed to evolve as our understanding and experiences in the DAO space grow. By grounding our endeavors in a shared terminology and framework, we empower ourselves to advance more cohesively toward the common goal of efficient, transparent, and impactful decentralized governance.

In summary, this book is both a guide and a living document, aimed at equipping you with the knowledge and tools to create and sustain successful DAOs. Join us on this journey of continual learning and adaptation, as we collectively shape the future of decentralized organizations.

This book is a cybernetic book - Lovingly crafted, organized and procured by ICDevs.org and community members and enhanced for experience and readability by AI.

We would like to give a special thanks to the DFINITY Foundation for sponsoring this work through a grant.

Next: Methodology

🖥️ Who we are:

ICDevs.org (registered as The Internet Computer Developers Education and Discovery Corporation) is a 501(c)3 Texas Non-profit.

ICDevs.org seeks to provide the general public with

  • 🏘️ community organization
  • 📖 educational resources
  • 💰 funding
  • 🔬 scientific discovery

… for the use and development of the Internet Computer and related technologies. It pursues activities such as

  • educational symposiums
  • conferences
  • educational material development
  • scientific and technology development
  • developer funding
  • open-source systems funding
  • strategic community organization.

ICDevs.org is completely independent from the DFINITY Foundation and the ICA. Our goal is to further diversify and decentralize the Internet Computer ecosystem. By providing a United States-based non-profit organization we open up new, tax-advantaged ways, for US-based proponents of the Internet Computer to organize their resources and influence to advance the Ideals of the Internet Computer.